170. 2023. Freitas P, Vieira G, Martins D, Cabrita T, Canário J, Folhas D, Vincent W F, Pina P, Juhls B, Heim B, Mora C. Multi-platform remote sensing for assessing the variability of permafrost thaw lakes and ponds (Eastern Hudson Bay, Subarctic Canada). Xv Conferência Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, 3 de novembro. 169. 2023. Matos P, Queirós M, Brito A, Ferreira A, Brotas V, Vieira G, Mora C, Balão S, Canário J, Cabrita T. Pairing biodiversity assessments by scientists and tourists: a conceptual framework to increase data collection and to promote societal environmental awareness and sensitivity.XV Conferência Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, 3 de novembro. 168. 2023.Matos P, Queirós M; Brito A, Ferreira A, Brotas V, Vieira G, Mora C, Balão S, Canário J, Cabrita T. Emparelhando a avaliação da biodiversidade por cientistas e turistas: framework de validação como ferramenta de coleta de dados e de promoção da consciência e diplomacia ambiental. XIV Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa, IGOT, 14 a 17 de novembro
167. 2023. Mora C, Vieira G. Erosão costeira com base em imagens terrasar-x em kaypoint (yukon, canadá) e fatores condicionantes entre 2018 e 2022. XIV Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa, IGOT, 14 a 17 de novembro
166. 2023. Freitas P, Vieira G, Martins D, Canário J, Vincent W, Pina P, Bennet J , Heim B, Mora C. Aplicação de Deep Learning em imagens PlanetScope revela hotspots biogeoquímicos em lagoas associadas à fusão abrupta do permafrost. XIV Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa, IGOT, 14 a 17 de novembro (submetido)
165. 2023. Mendes I, Mora C, Rodríguez Echeverría S, Vieira G. Cartografia das comunidades vegetais no planalto da Serra da Estrela através de Deteção Remota. O caso de estudo da Nave de Santo António e do Covão do Boi. XIV Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa, IGOT, 14 a 17 de novembro (submetido)
164. 2023. Freitas P, Vieira G, Mora C, Martins D, Canário J, Vincent WF. Understanding thaw pond characteristics, diversity and environmental controls (Nunavik, Northern Quebec, Canada), EUCOP 2023), Puigcerdà, 18-22 junho
163. 2023. Freitas P, Vieira G, Mora C, Canário J, Vincent WF. Deep Learning over PlanetScope imagery reveal dense and diverse permafrost thaw pond hotspots in Eastern Hudson Bay, Subarctic Canada, EUCOP 2023), Puigcerdà, 18-22 junho
162. 2022. Freitas P, Vieira G, Mora C, Canário J, Vincent WF. Deep learning and planetscope imagery reveal high densities of thaw ponds in eastern Hudson Bay, subarctic Canada. XIV Conferência Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Faro, 18-19 de novembro de 2022
161. 2022. Vieira G, Whalen D, Mora C, Pina P, Canário J, Batista D, Costa B, Fernandes S, Freitas P, Pinheiro D, Prates G, Tanguy R, Irrgang A, Bartsch A, Latiu H. Synergistic analysis of permafrost coastal erosion using multiple remote sensing data: the case of the Beaufort Sea coast, Canada. XIV Conferência Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Faro, 18-19 de novembro de 2022.
160. 2022. Baptista J, Zilhão H, Tavares A P, Farzamian M, Matos P, Fernandes M, Mora C, Canário J, Ángel de Pablo M, Vieira G. PERMANTAR 2022 – an update of the activities in the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Joana Baptista (IGOT, ULisboa) . XIV Conferência Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Faro, 18-19 de novembro de 2022.
159. 2022. Mora C, Vieira G, Pina P, Whalen D, Bartsch A.. XIV Conferência Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Faro, 18-19 de novembro de 2022.
158. 2022. Vieira G, Prates G, Goyanes G, de Pablo MA, Farzamian M, Oliva M, Correia A, Valadares AP, Baptista J, Mora C, Pina P. New observations on the kynematics of Hurd rockglacier (Livingston Island, Antarctic Peninsula), XI International Conference on Geomorphology, 12-16 setembro, Coimbra.
157. 2022. Mendes I, Mora C, Rodríguez Echeverría S, Vieira G. Caracterização e dinâmica recente das comunidades vegetais dos planaltos da Serra da Estrela através de deteção remota. Congresso de Fitossociologia. 6 a 8 do mês de setembro de 2022.
156. 2022. Freitas P, Vieira G, Mora C, Canário J, Folhas D, Vincent W.F. THAWPOND – Understanding the biogeochemical significance of small thermokarst lakes in Arctic and Subarctic regions through synergistic field observations and multiplatform remote sensing. , Auditório do Colégio do Espirito Santo, Universidade de Évora.
155. 2022. Joana Baptista, Ana Patrícia Valadares, Carla Mora, Mohammad Farzamian, Gonçalo Vieira. Mapping seasonal snow melt in the ice-free areas of the Western Antarctic Peninsula using Sentinel-1. I Conferência Nacional Copernicus. Auditório do Colégio do Espírito Santo, Universidade de Évora
154. 2021. Freitas P, Vieira G, Mora C, Canário J, Vincent WF. Evaluation of the impacts of vegetation shadows and scattering on remotely sensed detected optical properties of small thermokarst lakes, ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting, 8 December 2021, Online.
153. 2021. Freitas P, Vieira G, Mora C, Canário J, Vincent WF. Evaluation of the impacts of vegetation shadows and scattering on remotely sensed detected optical properties of small thermokarst lakes, XIII Conferência Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Porto, 30 Novembro 2021.
152. 2021. Freitas P, Vieira G, Mora C, Canário J, Folhas D, Vincent W.F. Coupled modelling in the polar regions & Facilitating remote sensing applications across the terrestrial Arctic'. 28 April. EGU EGU21-15405. Online
151. 2021.Mora C, Gonçalo Vieira, Pedro Pina, Dustin Whalen, and Annett Bartsch . Evaluation of PAZ satellite imagery for the assessment of intra-seasonal dynamics of permafrost coasts (Beaufort Sea, Canada) . 28 April. EGU EGU21-15632.
150. 2021. Mora C, Vieira G, Pina P, Whalen D, Bratsch A. Evaluation of PAZ satellite imagery for the assessment of intra-seasonal dynamics of permafrost coasts (Beaufort Sea, Canada) EGU. Online
149. 2021. Gomes H, Castro E, Rodríguez-Echeverría S, Mora C, Vieira G, Freitas H. the estrela unesco global geopark science and education network for sustainable development. 26 April 2021. EGU EGU21-12903. Online.
148. 2021. Vieira G, Mora C, Pina P, Whalen D, Irrgang A, Bartsch A, Lantuit H. Assessment of intra-seasonal permafrost bluff dynamics in the Beaufort Sea Coast using TerraSAR-X imagery, Arctic Science Summit Week 2021 - Lisbon, 24-26 March 2021, Online.
147. 2021. Vieira G, Pina P, Whalen D, Mora C, Canário J, Freitas P, Pinheiro D, Irrgang A, Bartsch A, Lantuit H. Synergistic use of remote sensing and field observations for assessing recent changes along the Canadian Beaufort coast, Arctic Science Summit Week 2021 - Lisbon, 24-26 March 2021, Online.
146. 2021.Freitas P, Vieira G, Mora C, Canário J, Vincent WF. Ultra-high resolution assessment of potential impacts of vegetation shadows on satellite-derived spectral signals from small thermokarst lakes, Arctic Science Summit Week 2021 - Lisbon, 24-26 March 2021, Online.
145. 2021. Freitas P, Vieira G, Mora C, Canário J, Vincent WF. Monitoring the optical properties of small thermokarst lakes in Subarctic Canada through synergistic Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and satellite data analysis. CEN’s 60th Anniversary and Annual Meeting, 11 February 2022.
144. 2020. Pinheiro D, Vieira G, Whalen D, Pina P, Mora C, Canário J, Freitas P. Coastal flooding assessment using hydrodynamic and bathtub modelling over UAV DSMs (Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, Canada). APECS online conference.
143. 2020.Pinheiro D, Vieira G, Whalen D, Pina P, Mora C, Canário J, Freitas P, Stuckey S. Coastal flooding vulnerability mapping in Tuktoyaktuk – static and hydrodynamic approaches. XII Portuguese Conference on Polar Sciences, 26-27 November 2020, Online.
142. 2020. Freitas P, Vieira G, Mora C, Canário J, Folhas D, Vincent WF. Ultra-high resolution assessment of the impacts of vegetation shadows on satellite-derived spectral signals from small thermokarst lakes (subarctic Canada), XII Portuguese Conference on Polar Sciences, 26-27 November 2020, Online.
141. 2020. Freitas P, Vieira G, Mora C, Canário J, Folhas D, Vincent WF. Ultra-high-resolution assessment of the impacts of vegetation shadows in the satellite-derived spectral signal of small thermokarst ponds (sub-Arctic Canada), Arctic Change 2020, Toronto, Online.
140. 2020. Vieira G, Whalen D, Pina P, Mora C, Freitas P, Pinheiro D, Canário J. UAV mapping and monitoring exposure of Beaufort Sea coastal communities to flooding and coastal erosion, ESA4Polar European Polar Science Week, October 2020, Online.
141. 2020. Vieira G, Pina P, Whalen D, Mora C, Canário J, Freitas P, Pinheiro D, Irrgang A, Lantuit H. Monitoring Recent Changes in the Beaufort Sea Coast Using Very High Resolution Remote Sensing. EO for Polar Science Workshop
140. 2020. Vieira G, Pina P, Whalen D, Irrgang A, Mora C, Canário J, Freitas P, Pinheiro D, Lantuit H. Monitoring the Beaufort Sea coast using very high resolution remote sensing. 5th Arctic Observing Summit, Akureyri, April (online).
139. 2020. Vieira G, Pina P, Whalen D, Irrgang A, Mora C, Canário J, Freitas P, Pinheiro D, Lantuit H. 2020. Assessment of coastal erosion and flooding hazard in the Beaufort Sea coast. Workshop Space, Coastal zones and territorial monitoring: responding to
138. 2019. Vieira G, Pina P, Whalen D, Irrgang A, Mora C, Canário J, Freitas P, Pinheiro D, Lantuit H. Assessment of coastal erosion and flooding hazard in the Beaufort Sea coast, XI Conferência Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Coimbra, 24-25 outubro.
137. 2019. Freitas P, Vieira G, Mora C, Canário J, Folhas D, Vincent W F. Thermokarst lake reflectance monitoring using synergistic UAV and satellite imagery data: new results. XI Conferência Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Coimbra, 24-25 outubro.
136. 2019. Vieira G, Forte JP, Mora C, Castro E, Gomes H, Loureiro F. Ultra high-resolution geomorphological mapping as a tool for research and managing geosites: the case of Covão do Boi (Estrela Aspiring Geopark). VII Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, Jaca, 25-27 Junho.
135. 2019. Vieira G, Pina P, Whallen D, Malenfant F, Stettner S, Gimsa J, Irrgang A, Mora C, Freitas P, Canário J, Lantuit H. Very high-resolution remote sensing of the fast retreating permafrost coasts of Yukon (Canada). VII Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, Jaca, 25-27 Junho.
134. 2019. Pina P, Miranda V, Heleno S, Vieira G, Mora C, Schaefer C. Multitemporal change detection of vegetation based on vhr satellite imagery guided by uav surveys (Fildes Peninsula, King George Island). VII Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, Jaca, 25-27 Junho.
133. 2019. Matos N, Mora C, Pina P, Vieira G. Automated delineation of shorelines in Landsat series imagery in Yukon, Canada (1986-2017). VII Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, Jaca, 25-27 Junho.
132. 2019. de Pablo MA, Ramos M, Prieto M, Jiménez JJ, Molina A, Hidalgo MA, Morales M, Maior CN, Fernández S, Calleja JF, Recondo C, Peón JJ, Corbea A, Vieira G, Mora C. Highlights of snow cover monitoring in Deception and Livingston islands, Antarctica: Permasnow project 2015-2019. VII Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association, Jaca, 25-27 Junho.
131. 2018. Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Whallen, D.; Malenfant, F.; Stettner, S.; Gimsa, J.; Irrgang, A.; Mora, C.; Freitas, P.; Canário, J.; Lantuit, H. (2018). New results of the very high-resolution UAV surveys of the Yukon coast: Border to King Point. ArcticNet 2018 - Arctic Science Meeting, Ottawa, Dec 2018.
130. 2018. Teves, A.; Vieira, G.; Ramalho, R.; Mora, C. & Pina, P. (2018). Escoadas de lava históricas do Vulcão do Fogo (Cabo Verde): cartografia e análise geomorfológica. XVIII Colóquio Ibérico de Geografia, Lisboa.
129. 2018. Pina, P.; Heleno, S.; Vieira, G.; Mora, C.; Miranda, V. & Hong, S-G. (2018). Extensive mapping of sorted stone circles with ultra-high resolution imagery: Preliminary results from the 2018 field campaign in Barton Peninsula, King George Island, 10ª Conferência Nacional de Ciências Polares, Universidade de Aveiro, Outubro de 2018.
128. 2018. Pina, P.; Heleno, S.; Vieira, G.; Miranda, V. & Mora, C. (2018).Recent change detection of vegetation in Fildes Peninsula through multiscale remote sensing . 10ª Conferência Nacional de Ciências Polares, Universidade de Aveiro, Outubro de 2018.
127. 2018. Vieira, G.; Pina, P.; Whallen, D.; Malenfant, F.; Stettner, S.; Gimsa, J.; Irrgang, A.; Mora, C.; Freitas, P.; Canário, J.; Lantuit, H. (2018). New results of the very high-resolution UAV surveys of the Yukon coast: Border to King Point. 10ª Conferência Nacional de Ciências Polares, Universidade de Aveiro, Outubro de 2018.
126. 2018.Vieira G, Forte JP, Mora C, Castro E, Gomes H. 2018. Ultra high resolution geomorphological mapping as a tool for research and managing geosites: the case of Covão do Boi (Estrela Aspiring Geopark), 8th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks, 8-14 September, Madonna di Campiglio, Italy. utilizando imágenes de teledetección por microondas activas y datos de campo. IX Simposio de Estudios Polares, 5-7 Septiembre 2018, Madrid, Espanha.
125. 2018. de Pablo MA, Ramos M, Hidalgo MA, Prieto M, Jiménez JJ, Fernández S, Calleja J, Recondo C, Peón JJ, Vieira G, Mora C. El estudio del permafrost y la capa activa en las islas Livingston y Decepción, Antártida, y sus aplicaciones técnicas y planetarias. IX Simposio de Estudios Polares, 5-7 Septiembre 2018, Madrid, Espanha.
124. 2018. Vieira G, Freitas P, Girst S, Mora C, Canário J, Vincent WF. UAV multispectral remote sensing of Sub-Arctic thaw ponds (Nunavik, Canada). Polar 2018, SCAR and IASC, 18-25 June 2018, Davos.
123. 2018. Jiménez JJ, Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos M, de Pablo MA, Pina P, equipo PERMASNOW. 2018. Caracterización de la cubierta de nieve en la Antártida Marítima utilizando imágenes de teledetección por microondas activas y datos de campo. IX Simposio de Estudios Polares, 5-7 Septiembre 2018, Madrid, Espanha.
122. 2017. Jiménez JJ, Mora C, Ramos M, Vieira G, Recondo C, Peón J, Pendás E, de Pablo MA, Calleja JF, Fernández S. TerraSAR X high resolution imaging for snow cover characterization in Deception Island (Maritime Antarctica). 5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, RAQRS'V, 18-22th September 2017, Valencia. 121. 2017. Jiménez JJ, Mora C, Ramos M, Vieira G, Recondo C, Peón J, Pendás E, de Pablo MA, Calleja JF, Fernández S. Caracterización de la cobertura nival mediante imágenes TerraSAR X de alta resolución en la Isla Decepción (Antártida Marítima). XVII Congreso de la Asociacion Española de Teledeteccion. Múrcia, 3-7 Outubro 2017
120. 2017. Vieira G, Faleh A, Mora C, Gonçalves T, Lakhouaja E, Maktite A.Ground surface temperature regimes in the High and Middle Atlas (Morocco): characteristics and implications for the present-day periglacial dynamics. VI Congreso Ibérico de la International Permafrost Association. Mieres, España, 21, 22 y 23 de junio de 2017.
119. 2017. Pina P, Heleno S, Branco J, Vieira G, Bandeira L, Mora C, Gyu Hong S. Identification and characterization of sorted stone circles fields with UAV imagery. VI Congreso Ibérico de la International Permafrost Association. Mieres, España, 21, 22 y 23 de junio de 2017.
118. 2017. Jiménez JJ, Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos M, De Pablo MA, Pina P, Catalão J, Equipo Permasnow. Metodología de caracterización de la cobertura nival mediante imágenes radar en banda x en la Antártida Marítima. VI Congreso Ibérico de la International Permafrost Association. Mieres, España, 21, 22 y 23 de junio de 2017.
117. 2017. De Pablo MA, Ramos M, Vieira G, Hidalgo MA, Prieto M, Jiménez JJ, Fernández S, Recondo C, Peón JJ, Calleja JF, Mora C. New instrumentation for the snow cover monitoring at the Crater Lake and Limnopolar Lake CALM-S sites, Deception and Livingston Islands, Antarctica. VI Congreso Ibérico de la International Permafrost Association. Mieres, España, 21, 22 y 23 de junio de 2017.
116. 2017. Vieira G, Pina P, Mora C, Fernandes R, Almeida P, Dumont S, Martins B, Candeias C, Oliveira C, Ramalho RS. Very high-resolution aerophotogrametric survey of the 2014/2015 lava flow field of Fogo volcano (Cape Verde), Small Unmanned Aerial Systems for Environmental Research – 5th Edition (UAS4ENVIRO), Vila Real.
115. 2017. Vieira G, Faleh A, Mora C, Gonçalves T, Lakhouaja E, Maktite A. Ground surface temperature regimes in the High and Middle Atlas (Morocco): characteristics and implications for the present-day periglacial dynamics. 2nd Asian Conference on Permafrost, Sapporo, Japan.
114. 2017. Vieira G, Castro E, Gomes H, Loureiro F, Mora C. The Estrela Aspiring Geopark: from geoheritage to an interdisciplinary society-focused science development plan. 14th Conference European Geoparks, 7-9 September 2017, Ponta Delgada, Azores.
113. 2017. Pina P, Heleno S, Vieira G, Mora C. Integrating UAV and WorldView imagery to improve vegetation mapping accuracy in Maritime Antarctica. 1st International Workshop on Antarctic permafrost, periglacial processes and soils (ANTPAS): From an Expert Group to a Research Program, Varese (Italy) 4-5 October 2017
112. 2017. Vieira G, Ramos M, Goyanes G, de Pablo MA, Schaefer C, Correia A, Bockheim J, Ferreira A, Mora C, Nieuwendam A, Oliva M, Pina P, Prates G, Ferreira J, Kenderova R.The PERMANTAR network of permafrost observatories in the Western Antarctic Peninsula, 10 years after the IPY 2007-08: what have we learned and where to go from here? 1st International Workshop on Antarctic permafrost, periglacial processes and soils (ANTPAS): From an Expert Group to a Research Program, Varese (Italy) 4-5 October 2017
111. 2017. Pina P, Heleno S, Vieira G, Mora C. Multiscale image integration for vegetation mapping in Maritime Antarctica. 9th Portuguese Polar Sciences Conference, UBI, Covilhã, 6-7 November 2017.
110. 2017. Jíménez J, Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos M, Pina P, de Pablo MA. Snow cover characterization in Maritime Antarctica through Radar remote sensing imagery and observational data. 9th Portuguese Polar Sciences Conference, UBI, Covilhã, 6-7 November 2017.
109. 2017. Vieira G, Ramos M, Goyanes G, de Pablo MA, Schaefer C, Correia A, Bockheim J, Ferreira A, Mora C, Nieuwendam A, Oliva M, Pina P, Prates G, Ferreira J, Kenderova R. The PERMANTAR network of permafrost observatories in the Western Antarctic Peninsula, 10 years after the IPY. 9th Portuguese Polar Sciences Conference, UBI, Covilhã, 6-7 November 2017.
108. 2017. Freitas P, Vieira G, Girst S, Mora C, Canário J, Vincent W. Remote sensing to evaluate permafrost degradation and terrestrial ecosystem changes in the Canadian Sub-Arctic – a multiscale approach (project Shrubifly). 9th Portuguese Polar Sciences Conference, UBI, Covilhã, 6-7 November 2017.
107. 2017. Vieira G., Ramos M, de Pablo M, Goyanes G, Mora C, Pina P, Oliva M. Permafrost mapping in the Western Antarctic Peninsula. ESA GlobPermafrost User Workshop, 2 July 2017, Sapporo, Japan. 9th Portuguese Polar Sciences Conference, UBI, Covilhã, 6-7 November 2017.
106. 2017. Vieira G., Goyanes G, Ramos M, de Pablo M, Prates G, Catalão J, Bandeira L, Pina P, Mora C. Rock glacier deformation monitoring (Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctica), ESA GlobPermafrost User Workshop, 2 July 2017, Sapporo, Japan.
105. 2017. Vieira, G., Palacios, D., Mora, C., Andrés, N., Castro, E. Lagoa Seca: a key geosite in the Estrela Aspiring Geopark. 1st International Conference on Managing Mediterranean Mountain Geoheritage (3MG), Manteigas, 6-7 May 2017.
104. 2017. Mora, C., Vieira, G., Castro, E. Teaching applications of high resolution mapping with UAV to the Estrela Aspiring Geopark, 1st International Conference on Managing Mediterranean Mountain Geoheritage (3MG), Manteigas, 6-7 May 2017.
103. 2016. Vieira, G., Ramos, M. de Pablo, M.A., Goyanes, G., Oliva, M., Schaefer, C., Ferreira, A., Abramov, A., Correia, A., Nieuwendam, A., Mora, C. Thermal state of permafrost and recent active layer dynamics in the South Shetlands, Antarctica. 11th International Conference on Permafrost, Potsdam Germany, 20-24 June 2016.
102. 2016. Jiménez J.J., Mora C., Ramos M., Vieira G., de Pablo M.A. Seasonal snow cover characterization using field data and X-band radar imagery in Deception Island (Antarctica). 11th International Conference on Permafrost, Potsdam Germany, 20-24 June 2016.
101. 2016. Mora C, Vieira G, Jímenez JJ, Pina P, Ramos M, de Pablo MA, Bandeira L, Oliva M, Schaefer C, Branco J, Ferreira A, Girão I, Nieuwendam A, David A. Mapping snow patch distribution in the South Shetlands using remote sensing techniques. Abstracts da XXXIV SCAR Kuala Lumpur, 20-30 Agosto 2016.
100. 2016.Vieira G, Frenot Y, Mora C, Abarca, Morgan-Finnemore M, Colombo A, Callaghan T, Rasch M, Topp-Jorgensen J-E, Stockings T, Biebow N, Vancauwenberghe M. The EU-PolarNet / COMNAP / INTERACT Polar infrastructure database cooperation: facilitating the management of Polar logistics and promoting science access. Abstracts da XXXIV SCAR Kuala Lumpur, 20-30 Agosto 2016.
99. 2016. de Pablo MA, Ramos M, Molina A, Vieira G, Hidalgo MA, Prieto M, Jiménez JJ, Fernández S, Recondo C, Calleja JF, Peon JJ, Mora C, Laska K, Engel Z, and Hrbácek F. 2016. Evolución de la cubierta de nieve y su efecto en el estado térmico del permafrost y la capa activa en las islas Livingston y Decepción, Antártida: el proyecto PERMASNOW. Abstracts da 9 Asamblea Hispano-Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofísica. S09. 6-7
98. 2016. Jiménez JJ, Mora C, Ramos M, de Pablo MA, Vieira G. 2016. Estudios de la cobertura nival en entornos criosféricos deglaciados (Antártida Marítima) mediante técnicas activas de teledetección por microondas. Abstracts da 9 Asamblea Hispano-Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofísica. S09. 2-3
97. 2016. Mora C, Vieira G, Jímenez JJ, Pina P, Ramos M, de Pablo MA, Bandeira L, Oliva M, Schaefer C, Branco J, Ferreira A, Girão I, Nieuwendam A, David A. Mapping snow patch distribution in the South Shetlands using remote sensing techniques. Abstracts da XXXIV SCAR Kuala Lumpur, 20-30 Agosto 2016.
96. 2016.Vieira G, Frenot Y, Mora C, Abarca, Morgan-Finnemore M, Colombo A, Callaghan T, Rasch M, Topp-Jorgensen J-E, Stockings T, Biebow N, Vancauwenberghe M. The EU-PolarNet / COMNAP / INTERACT Polar infrastructure database cooperation: facilitating the management of Polar logistics and promoting science access. Abstracts da XXXIV SCAR Kuala Lumpur, 20-30 Agosto 2016.
95. 2016. de Pablo, M.A., Ramos, M., Molina, A., Vieira, G., Hidalgo, M.A., Prieto, M., Jiménez, J.J., Fernández, S., Recondo, C., Calleja, J.F., Peon, J.J., Mora, C., Laska, K., Engel, Z., and Hrbácek, F. 2016. Evolución de la cubierta de nieve y su efecto en el estado térmico del permafrost y la capa activa en las islas Livingston y Decepción, Antártida: el proyecto PERMASNOW. Abstracts da 9 Asamblea Hispano-Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofísica. S09. 6-7.
94. 2016. Jiménez, J.J., Mora, C., Ramos, M., de Pablo, M.A., y Vieira, G. 2016. Estudios de la cobertura nival en entornos criosféricos deglaciados (Antártida Marítima) mediante técnicas activas de teledetección por microondas. Abstracts da 9 Asamblea Hispano-Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofísica. S09. 2-3
93. 2016. Vieira, G., Ramos, M., de Pablo, M.A., Goyanes, G., Oliva, M., Schaefer, C., Ferreira, A., Abramov, A., Correia, A., Nieuwendam, A., and Mora, C. 2016. Thermal state of permafrost and recent active layer dynamics in the South Shetlands, Antarctica. Abstracts of the XI International Conference on Permafrost. 48692.
92. 2016. de Pablo, M.A., Ramos, M., Molina, A., Jiménez, J.J., Hidalgo, M.A., Prieto, M., Fernández, S., Recondo, C., Calleja, J.F., Peón, J.J., Vieira, G., Mora, C., Láska, K., Hrbácek, F., Engel, Z., and Nyvlt, D. PERMASNOW: Snow cover characterization and its effects on the thermal regime of permafrost and active layer in Deception and Livingston Islands, Antarctica. Abstracts of the XI International Conference on Permafrost. 115-116
91.2015. Jiménez, J.J., Mora, C., Ferreira, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., and de Pablo, M.A. 2015. Abstracts del V Congreso Ibérico de la International Permafrost Association. 50.
90. 2015. Vieira, G., Faleh, A., Mora, C. Does permafrost occur in north africa? Detailed research in the high mountains of Morocco (coldatlas). The field season of 2015. VII Congresso Nacional de Geomorfologia, Vol. IX, Lisboa: 171-176.
89. 2015. Goyanes, G., Winocur, D., Vieira, G., Santos, A., Mora, C., Catalão, J., Zêzere, J.L. Estudio preliminar del deslizamiento de la ladera oeste del canal Upsala, Cordillera de los Andes, Patagonia Argentina. VII Congresso Nacional de Geomorfologia, Vol. IX, Lisboa: 225-230.
88. 2015. Mora C, Vieira G, Lopes A, Nieuwendam A, Ferreira A, David A. 2015.Wind regimes and nivo-eolian corrasion in maritime Antarctic (Hurd peninsula, Livingston Island). XII International Symposium on Antartic Earth Sciences, 13-17 July Goa, India.
87. 2014. Mora C , Jimenez JJ, Catalão J, Ferreira A, David A, Ramos M, Vieira G . Summer snowmelt patterns in the South Shetlands using TerraSAR-X imagery. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, USA.
86. 2014. Mora C, Vieira G, Ferreira A, David Ana. TerraSAR-X as a platform for high resolution summer snow melt mapping: new applications in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston island, Antarctica. 6a Conferência Portuguesa de Ciências Polares. Porto, Portugal. Accepted.
85. 2014. Mora C, Viera G, Pina P, Catalão J, Ferreira A, David A.TerraSAR-X high resolution snow patch mapping in high cloudiness environments: results from King George, Livingston and Deception islands (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica).XXXIII SCAR Biennial Meetings and Open Science Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
84. 2014. Pedro Pina, Carla Mora, Gonçalo Viera, Carlos Schaeffer. Segmentation, classification, ice-free regions, Antarctica. ).4 th European congress on Permafrost. Évora, Portugal
83. 2014. Carla Mora, Gonçalo Vieira, Pedro Pina and João Catalão. Detailed mapping of snow cover as a contribution for identifying ground thermal regimes in high cloudiness Polar environments. Results from C and X-band microwave imagery in the South Shetlands (Antarctica). 4 th European congress on Permafrost. Évora, Portugal
82. 2014. Carla Mora,; Gonçalo Vieira,; Pedro Pina, ; Hanne H. Christiansen. High resolution vegetation mapping using high resolution aerial photography and an object-based classification (Adventdalen, Svalbard). 4 th European congress on Permafrost. Évora, Portugal.
81. 2013. Mora C, Vieira G, Pina P, Catalão Fernandes J. High resolution snow cover mapping using microwave remote sensing (Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica). IV congreso Ibérico de la I.P.A. Nuria. Junho.
80. 2012. Carraça M G D, Fragoso M, Alcoforado MJ, Lopes A, Mora C, Correia S, Andrade H. Effects of surface features on thunderstorm activity- a preliminary study for Lisbon region. Proceedings of the ICUC8–8th International Conference on Urban Climates, 6-10 August 2012, UCD, Dublin, Ireland.
79. 2012. Vieira G, Mora C, Pina P, Schaefer C. Usnea antarctida as a proxy for mapping snow patterns in Fildes peninsula (King George Island, Antartica. 4th Conference on Portuguese Polar Science, Technical University of Lisbon, 19 October.
78. 2012. Pina P, Vieira G, Barata T, Christiansen H, Saraiva, J, Bandeira L, Lousada, M, Mora C, Oliva M, Neves M, Cardoso M, Jorge M, Ferreira A, Trindade A, Machado A. Two and a half years of activities and results of project ANAPOLIS. 4th Conference on Portuguese Polar Science, Technical University of Lisbon, 19 October.
77. 2012. Pina P, Vieira G, Mora C, Schaefer C. Automated detection of snowpatches in VHR images of Fildes Peninsula (Maritime Antartica). 4th Conference on Portuguese Polar Science, Technical University of Lisbon, 19 October.
76. 2012. Mora C, Vieira G, Pina P, Lousada M, Christiansen H. Detailed geoecological mapping using multisource remote sensing imagery (Adventdalen, Svalbard). 4th Conference on Portuguese Polar Science, Technical University of Lisbon, p. 38, 19 October.
75. 2012. Vieira G, Mora C, Pina P, Saraiva J, Christiansen H. Detailed geomorphological survey of the unis ice-wedge monitoring site area (Adventdale, Svalbard). 4th Conference on Portuguese Polar Science, Technical University of Lisbon, 19 October.
74. 2012. Mora C, Vieira G, Pina P, Lousada M, Christiansen H. Detailed geoecological mapping using multisource remote sensing imagery (Adventdalen, Svalbard). Tenth International Conference on Permafrost, 25-29 June, Salekhard, Russia, p.403.
73. 2012. Vieira G, Mora C, Oliva M, Jorge M, Pina P, Saraiva J, Christiansen H. Detailed Geomorphological Survey of the UNIS Ice-wedge Monitoring Site Area (Adventdalen, Svalbard).Tenth International Conference on Permafrost, 25-29 June, Salekhard, Russia, p. 625.
72. 2012. Vieira G, Agrela J, Mora C, Neves M, Oliva M, Trindade A, Ramos M, Pablo M, Molina A, Correia A, Rocha J P. The lower boundary of permafrost in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Islad, Antarctic). Tenth International Conference on Permafrost, 25-29 June, Salekhard, Russia, p. 11
71. 2012. Oliva M, Vieira G, Mora C, Trindade A, Agrela J, Batista V, Correia A, Schaefer C, Simas F, Ramos M, Pablo M, Toro M, Antoniales D, Galán L, Giralt S, Granados I, Pla S. The HOLOANTAR project: Holocene environmental change in the Maritime Antrarctic. Interations between permafrost and the lacustrine environment. Tenth International Conference on Permafrost, 25-29 June, Salekhard, Russia, p. 625.
69. 2012. Goyanes GA, Vieira G, Caselli A, Ramos M, de Pablo M A, Neves M, Mora C, Santos F, Bernardo I, Gilichinsky D, Abramov A. Estudio Interdisciplinario de la dinámica del permafrost en un área no englazada, Isla Decepción, Antártida. III Jornadas Interdisciplinarias de Cambio Climático de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (PIUBACC), Cambio Climático: el desafío ambiental del siglo XXI, Buenos Aires, 10 y 11 Noviembre.
68. 2012. Mora C, Vieira G, Pina P. Toposcale snowpatch detection using TerraSAR-X imagery (Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica). XXXIISCAR and open Science Conference & COMNAP XXIV AGM. 13-25 July, Portland, OR, USA.
67. 2012. Vieira G, Mora C, Pina P, Schaefer C. Winter patterns of snow in Fildes Peninsula using multiproxy data (King George Island, Antarctica). XXXIISCAR and open Science Conference & COMNAP XXIV AGM. 13-25 July, Portland, OR, USA.
66. 2011.Ferreira A, Vieira G, Mora C, Ramos M. Detecção remota da neve na Península de Hurd (ilha Livingston, Antárctida) através de imagens Landsat. III Congresso Nacional de Ciências Polares, Coimbra, 12 Abril 2011.
65. 2011. Ferreira A, Vieira G, Mora C, Ramos M. Processamento de imagens Landsat para conhecer a distribuição nival na Península de Hurd, Livingston (Antárctica), 3ª Reunião Ibérica da International Permafrost Association, Piornedo, Espanha (21 a 23 de Junho de 2011), p.123-126.
64. 2011. Ferreira A, Vieira G, Mora C, Ramos M. Análise de factores n para determinar os factores de controlo locais nas temperaturas da superfície do solo e da camada activa em Livingston e Deception (Antárctica). 3ª Reunião Ibérica da International Permafrost Association, Piornedo, Espanha (21 a 23 de Junho de 2011)
63. 2011. Ferreira A, Vieira G, Mora C, Ramos M. Remote sensing of snow cover on Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctic) through Landsat imagery processing. International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences – Edinburgh, Scotland (10 a 16 de Julho de 2011), p. 412.
62. 2011. Mora C, Vieira G, Jorge M, Christiansen H, Pina P. Surficial characteristics of ice-wedge polygons and mud-boils using high resolution aerial imagery and field data (Adventdalen, Svalbard), 3ª Reunião Ibérica da International Permafrost Association, Piornedo, Espanha (21 a 23 de Junho de 2011), p.47-48.
61. 2011. Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos M. Evaluating the use of ASAR imagery for mapping snow cover in selected areas in Deception Island (Maritime Antarctic) - 3ª Reunião Ibérica da International Permafrost Association, Piornedo, Espanha (21 a 23 de Junho de 2011), p.93-94.
60. 2011. Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos M. Snow cover regime in Crater Lake from 2008 to 2010 using multi-temporal ASAR imagery (Deception Island, Maritime Antarctic), International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences – Edinburgh, Scotland (10 a 16 de Julho de 2011), p.374.
58. 2011.Mora C, Vieira G, Jorge M, Christiansen HH, Pina P. Mapping surface features of ice-wedge polygons using high resolution aerial imagery and field data (Adventdalen, Svalbard). III Congresso Nacional de Ciências Polares, Coimbra, 12 Abril 2011.
58. 2011.Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos M. Analysis of the snow cover regime in Livingston and Deception Islands (Maritime Antarctic) using multitemporal analysis of ASAR imagery. III Congresso Nacional de Ciências Polares, Coimbra, 12 Abril 2011.
57. 2011. Oliva M, Vieira G, Mora C, Trindade A, Jorge M. Preliminary results of the Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution in the Serra da Estrela (Portugal), XVIII Congress of the INQUA, Quaternary Sciences - the view from the mountains. Bern (Switzerland), 20-27 July
56. 2011. Pina P, Vieira G, Christiansen H H, Barata M T, Saraiva J, Bandeira L, Lira C, Jorge M, Mora C, Ferreira A, Oliva M, Trindade A, Poelking E, Machado A, Neves M, Lousada M. Characterizing polygonal terrains in-situ on Adventdalen (Svalbard) for comparison with Martian analogues: the 2010 field campaign. LPSC, Houston, USA.
55. 2011.Pina P, Vieira G, Barata M T, Christiansen H H, Saraiva J, Bandeira L, Lira C, Jorge M, Mor, C, Ferreira A, Oliva M, Trindade A, Poelking E, Machado A, Neves M. Lousada M. Mapping polygonal networks in the Artic to compare with analogues from Mars. In M Valcárcel & P. Carrera Gómez, Criosferas, Suelos Congelados Y Cambio Climático, procedings III Congreso Ibérico de la international permafrost association, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, p 161-165.
54. 2011. Pina P, Vieira G, Barata M T, Christiansen H H, Saraiva J, Bandeira L, Lira C, Jorge M, Mora C, Ferreira A, Oliva M, Trindade A, Poelking E, Machado A, Neves M, Lousada M. Mapping polygonal networks in the Artic to compare with analogues from Mars. III Congresso Ibérico de la International Permafrost Association, Piornedo (Lugo, España), 21,22 y 23 de junio 2011.
53. 2011. G Vieira, C Mora, M Ramos, MJ Rocha. Monthly ground temperature regimes and atmospheric circulation in Livingston Island (Maritime Antarctic). International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences – Edinburgh, Scotland (10 a 16 de Julho de 2011), p.120.
52. 2011. Vieira G, Mora C, Neves M, Oliva M, Batista V, Ferreira A, Jorge M, Trindade A, Correia A, Maillol J M, Amaral P, Santos F, Bernardo I, Soares A, Ramos M, de Pablo M A, Bockheim J, Caselli A, Goyanes G, Scaheffer C, Simas F, Pimpirev C, Kenderova R. Permafrost and Climate Change in the Maritime Antarctic (PERMANTAR-2). 3ª Reunião Ibérica da International Permafrost Association, Piornedo, Espanha (21 a 23 de Junho de 2011), p.147-150.
51. 2011.Vieira G, Ramos M, Mora C, Rocha M J, Trigo I, de Pablo M A. Active layer thermal regime in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctic) from 2000-2010. Mesoscale forcing mechanisms. 3ª Reunião Ibérica da International Permafrost Association, Piornedo, Espanha (21 a 23 de Junho de 2011), p. 105-106.
50. 2011.Vieira G, Mora C, Neves M, Oliva M, Batista V, Ferreira A, Jorge M, Trindade A, Correia A, Amaral P, Santos F, Bernardo I, Soares A, Caselli A, Goyanes G, Schaeffer C, Simas F, Pimpirev C, Kenderova R, Ramos M, de Pablo M A, Bockheim J. Permafrot thermal state in the Antarctic Peninsula. Current knowledge and objectives of Permantar-2 and beyond. III Congresso Nacional de Ciências Polares, Coimbra, 12 Abril 2011.
49. 2010. Mora C, Rocha M J, Fragoso M, Trigo I, Vieira G, Dutra E, Ramos M. Weather types in the South Shetlands (Antarctic Peninsula). Classification and analysis based on ERA-interim reanalysis. SCAR Open Science Conference, Buenos Aires, 3-6 August 2010.
48. 2010. Vieira G, Ramos M, Mora C, Correia A, Rocha M J, Trindade A, de Pablo M A. Permafrost and active layer temperatures in Hurd Peninsula: time-series analysis from 2000-2010 (Livingston island, Antarctic). SCAR Open Science Conference, Buenos Aires, 3-6 August 2010.
47. 2010. Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos M. Snow cover variability in Livingston and Deception Islands (Maritime Antarctic) during 2009. First results from multitemporal analysis of ASAR imagery. ESA Living Earth Symposium. Bergen, Norway. 28 June-2 July 2010.
46. 2010. Pina P, Saraiva J, Bandeira P, Lira C, Benavente N, Vieira G, Mora C, Neves M, Jorge M, Ferreira A, Barata T, Christiansen H. The Project ANAPOLIS: Analysis of polygonal terrains on Mars based on Earth analogues. ESA Living Earth Symposium. Bergen, Norway. 28 June-2 July 2010.
45. 2010. Vieira G, Mora C, Neves M, Oliva M, Batista V, Ferreira A, Jorge M, Rocha M J, Trindade A, Correia A, Maillol J-M, Amaral P, Santos F, Bernardo I, Soares A, Ramos M, de Pablo M A, Bockheim J, Caselli A, Goyanes G, Pimpirev C, Kenderova R. PERMANTAR-2. A new project for monitoring permafrost in the Antarctic Peninsula region. 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
44. 2010. Pena A, Trindade A, Vieira G, Mora C, Ramos M. 2010. Determining microclimatic controls on the ground thermal regime through the evaluation of n-factors (Deception and Livingston islands, South Shetlands, Antarctic). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
43. 2010. Vieira G, Trindade A, Mora C, Neves M, Ferreira A, Batista V, Ramos M, de Pablo M A, Blanco J J, Gruber S, Hauck C, Pimpirev C, Kenderova R. Spatial distribution of permafrost in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
42. 2010. Vieira G, Mora C, Ferreira A, Correia A, Amaral P. 2010. Permafrost research in the New Generation of Polar Scientists Program Caixa Carbono Zero. 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
41. 2010. Vieira G, Ramos M, Amaral P, Batista V, Bernardo I, Caselli A, Correia A, Ferreira A, Fragoso M, Gruber S, Hauck C, Jorge M, Kenderova R, López-Martínez J, Melo R, Mendes-Victor L A, Dutra E, Mora C, Neves M, Pimpirev C, Rocha M J, Santos F, Serrano E, Soares A, Trigo, Trindade. PERMANTAR: Permafrost and active layer monitoring in the Maritime Antarctic. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
40. 2010. Vieira G, Trindade A, Mora C, Ramos M. The geomorphic action of wind-blown snow in the Maritime Antarctic. Preliminary data from Livingston Island.Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
49. 2010. Mora C, Rocha MJ, Dutra E, Trigo I, Vieira G, Fragoso M, Ramos M. Weather types in the South Shetlands (Antarctica) using a circulation type approach. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
48. 2010. Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos M. ASAR analysis of the snow cover in Livingston and Deception Islands. First results. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
47. 2010. Vieira G, Amaral P, Batista V, Blanco J J, Caselli A, Correia A, Dutra E, Ferreira A, Fragoso M, Gilichinski D, Hidalgo M A, Jorge M, Kenderova R, Melo R, Mendes-Victor L, Miranda P, Mora C, Neves M, Pimpirev C, Trindade A, Ramos M, Rocha M J, Santos F, Trigo I, Viterbo A P. Projecto PERMANTAR - Monitorização e modelação da distribuição espacial e do estado térmico do permafrost na região da Península Antárctica. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
46. 2010. Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos M. Detecção remota da neve nas ilhas Shetland do Sul (Antárctida Marítima). Metodologia e primeiros resultados. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
45. 2010. Mora C, Rocha M J, Fragoso M, Trigo I, Dutra E, Vieira G, Ramos M. Tipos de tempo nas ilhas Shetland do Sul (Península Antárctica). Classificação e frequência de ocorrência. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
49. 2010. Ferreira A, Vieira G, Mora C, Ramos M. Análise de índices factor-n para avaliar a importância do efeito da neve como interface entre a atmosfera e o solo em Deception e Livingston (Shetland do Sul, Antárctida). Resultados preliminares. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
33. 2010. Pina P, Vieira G, Christiansen H H, Barata M T, Saraiva J, Bandeira L, Lira C, Benavente N, Mora C, Neves M, Jorge, Ferreira A. Analysis of polygonal terrains on mars based on Svalbad analogues. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Woodlands, Texas, USA. p. 1372
32. 2010. Mora C. Os climas locais da Serra da Estrela. Seminário A neve - importância natural, cultural e económica. Seia, 20-21 Fevereiro.
31. 2009. Gutierres F, Alcoforado M, Mora C, Andrade H. Metodologia do estudo microclimático e de adequação dos factores naturais na cultura da vinha junto a um futuro empreendimento hidroeléctrico. In Canho, J. et al (Eds) – Livro de Resumo da 1ª Conferência Ibérica de Viticultura e Enologia “Alterações Climáticas, Viticultura e Enologia”. ISA-UTL, Lisboa, 11-13 Novembro, pág.15
30. 2009. Ferreira A, Vieira G, Mora C, Ramos M. Avaliação do efeito da neve no regime térmico do solo a partir da análise de índices factor-N (Península Hurd, Ilha Livingston, Antárctida). VII Congresso de Geografia Portuguesa, Trunfos de uma Geografia Activa: desenvolvimento local, ambiente, ordenamento e tecnologia. Coimbra Novembro de 2009.
29. 2009. Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos M. Analysis of ASAR imagery to study the snow cover in Livingston and Deception Islands (Maritime Antarctic). II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
28. 2009. Mora C. Sea breeze in a coastal mountain (Serra da Arrábida, Portugal). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-2948-1, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009.
27. 2009. Vieira G, Ramos M, Trindade A, Gruber S, Hauck C, Mora C, Batista V, Neves M, Pimpirev C, Kenderova R, de Pablo MA. Spatial distribution and characteristics of permafrost in Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
26. 2008. Vieira G, Ramos M, Batista V, Caselli A, Correia A, Fragoso M, Gruber S, Hauck C, Kenderova R, López-Martinez J, Melo R, Mendes-Victor L A, Miranda P, Mora C, Neves M, Pimpirev C, Rocha M J, Santos F, Serrano E, Trigo I, Trindade A. Permafrost and Active Layer Monitoring in the Maritime Antarctic: A contribution to TSP and ANTPAS projects. American Geophysical Union Fall meeting.
25. 2008. Vieira G, Neves M, Mora C, Fragoso M, Zêzere J L, Trindade A, Batista V, Melo, R. Permafrost research in the Maritime Antarctic. 1st Workshop on Portuguese Polar Science, CEG, Lisbon.
24. 2008. Vieira G, Neves M, Mora C, Batista V, Melo R, Trindade A, Santos F, Ramos M, Xavier, J, Salomé A. O Ano Polar Internacional e o desenvolvimento da geomorfologia polar portuguesa. 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
23. 2008. Vieira G, Ramos M, Blanco J J, Caselli A, Correia A, Gruber S, Hauck C, Hidalgo M A, Kenderova R, Miranda P, Mora C, Neves M, Pimpirev C, Santos F, Trigo I, Viterbo P, Batista V, Dutra E, Melo R, Tomé D, Trindade A. PERMANTAR/PERMAMODEL: um consórcio internacional para monitorização do permafrost e da dinâmica geomorfológica actual na Antárctida Marítima. 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
22. 2007. Ramos M, Vieira G, Hoelzle M, Hauck C, Gruber S, Blanco J J, Hidalgo M A, Tomé D, Neves M, Mora C, Trindade A, Batista V, Ortiz R. Estudio de la distribución del permafrost y de la evolución térmica de la capa activa en la Antártida Marítima (Islas Livingston y Decepción). Proyecto PERMAMODEL integrado en IPY. I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
21. 2007. Tomé D, Ramos M, Blanco J J, Hidalgo M A, Vieira G, Neves M, Trindade A, Mora C, Gruber S, Hauck C, Ortiz R. Resultados preliminares del proyecto PERMAMODEL durante la campaña antártica 2006-07. Islas Livingston y Decepción (Antártida marítima). I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
20. 2007. Tomé D, Ramos M, Blanco J, Hidalgo M, Vieira G, Neves M, Trindade A, Mora C, Gruber S, Hauck C, Ortiz R. Seguimiento y monitorización de la capa activa del permafrost en isla Decepción (Antartida marítima). I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
19 2006. Vieira G, Ramos M, Neves M, Mora C, Gruber S, Hauck C, Hoelzle M, Blanco J J, Ortiz R, Hidalgo M Á, Trindade A, Batista V, Tomé D, Melo R, Capinha C. Permafrost e camada activa das Ilhas Livingston e Deception (Shetlands do Sul, Antárctida). Resultados recentes e perspectivas. 3º Congresso de Geomorfologia. Funchal, 12-14 de Outubro.
18 2006. Ramos M, Vieira G, Neves M, Mora C, Gruber S, Hauck C, Hoelzle M, Blanco, JJ, Ortiz R, Hidalgo M A, Tomé D, García J A. Evolución térmica y balance de energía en la capa activa. Experiencias y perspectivas. VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
17. 2006. Vieira G, Ramos M, Neves M, Mora C, Gruber S, Hauck C, Hoelzle M, Blanco J J , Ortiz R, Hidalgo M A, Tomé D, Trindade A, Batista V, Capinha, C, Melo R. PERMAMODEL: An interdisciplinary proposal for permafrost research in the Maritime Antarctic in the framework of the IPY Core Projects TSP and ANTPAS. VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
16. 2006. Vieira G, Ramos M, Melo R, Capinha C, Mora C. Temporal and spatial analysis of the daily radiation balance during the summer. A comparison between Livingston and Deception islands, Maritime Antarctic. VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
15.2005. Mora C. Balanço radiativo nos Planaltos da Serra da Estrela numa manhã de Inverno. Metodologia e primeiros resultados. Colóquio “A Geografia e as Tecnologias de Informação Geográfica”, CEG, Lisboa, 7-8 Abril de 2005.
14. 2004. Mora C, Alcoforado M J. Air temperature regimes in a glacial cirque (Serra da Estrela, Portugal). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 6, 06494, 2004.
13. 2004. Vieira G T, Mora C, Ramos M. Rock temperature regimes in a Mediterranean mountain (Serra da Estrela, Portugal). A contribution to the study of the present-day geocryological activity. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 6, 07370.2004
12. 2003. Mora C, Vieira G. Balanço radiativo com base em imagens Landsat, Serra da Estrela (Portugal), VI Reunión IPA – España “El periglaciarismo en relación con otros procesos”, Universidade Complutense de Madrid, 25 a 27 de Junho de 2003.
11. 2003. Vieira G T, Mora C, Ramos M. Ground temperature regimes and geomorphological dynamics in Mediterranean mountains (Serra da Estrela, Portugal). Programa y resumenes de las comunicaciones, VI Reunión IPA-España, El periglaciarismo en relación com otros procesos, San Ildefonso – La Granja (Segovia - Espanha), 25-27 June: 18-20.
10. 2002. Vieira G, Mora C, Ramos M. Regimes térmicos do ar e do solo e dinâmica geomorfológica actual nos planaltos da Serra da Estrela, I Seminário de Geomorfologia - Resumos, Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos.
9. 2001. Vieira G, Mora C, Ramos M. Ground Temperature Regimes in a Marginal Periglacial Mountain, Serra da Estrela, Portugal, Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union, 22(4): 256.
8. 2001. Vieira G, Mora C, Gouveia, M M. Oblique rainfall and contemporary geomorphological dynamics (Serra da Estrela, Portugal), Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union, 22(4): 162.
7. 2001. Ferreira A B, Alcoforado M J, Mora C, Vieira G, Jansen J, Mateus J E. An Interdisciplinary Project for the Study of the Landscape Sensitivity in Mediterranean Upland Environments, Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union, 22(4): 68.
6. 2001. Vieira G, Mora C, Ramos M. Air and ground temperature regimes in Serra da Estrela (Portugal), V Reunión IPA-España, Periglaciarismo en montaña y altas latitudes, Potes, 27-29 June 2001: 15.
5. 2000. Vieira G T, Mora C, Ramos M. Low cost data loggers for air, soil and rock temperature monitoring. Design and implementation, 4th Conference on Contemporary Topoclimatic Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 27-30 September: 46.
4. 2000. Mora C, Alcoforado M J, Vieira G T. Winter air temperatures in the Serra da Estrela, Portugal, 4th Conference on Contemporary Topoclimatic Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 27-30 September: 31.
3. 2000. Vieira G T, Mora C, Ramos M. Low-cost data loggers for air, ground and rock temperature monitoring. The instruments developed in the framework of ESTRELA project, Jornadas sobre Clima e Aplicações, Bragança, 23-25 January 2000: 26-27.
2. 2000. Mora C, Alcoforado M J. Metodologia aplicada na análise climática no âmbito do projecto ESTRELA, Jornadas sobre Clima e Aplicações, Bragança, 23-25 de Janeiro 2000:28-29.
1. 1998. Mora C. Modelling Air-Temperature Patterns Using a GIS: The Case-Study of Sesimbra, Portugal, poster apresentado no Congresso 'Climate and Environmental Change', IGU Commission on Climatology, Évora, 24-30 August 1998, resumo publicado em Alcoforado, M J, Lopes A, Andrade H, Fragoso M., Pre-Regional Conference Meeting of the Commision on Climatology - Abstracts, Lisbon: 47-48
Artigos em atas de conferencias com peer-review 2010. Mora C. Dinâmica das inversões térmicas no alto vale do Zêzere(Serra da Estrela, Portugal), Figueiredo T, Frölén Ribeiro L, Castro Ribeiro A. (editores), Livro de Actas do II Workshop Clima e Recursos Naturais, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança – Bragança, Portugal - 15 a 19, pp.131-138. (ISBN: 978-972-745-114-22009.
2005. Afonso MJ, Espinha Marques J, Marques JM, Carreira P, Carvalho JM, Marques da Silva M, Samper J, Veiga J, Sodré Borges F, Rocha FT, Fonseca PE, Gomes A, Araújo MA, Vieira G, Mora C, Teixeira J, Almeida G, Gonçalves JA, Chaminé HI. Hydrogeology of hard-rocks in the Portuguese Iberian Massif: Porto urban area and Serra da Estrela mountain region. 4th Inter-Celtic Colloquium on Hydrology and Management of Water Resources. Guimarães, Portugal, 11-14 July 2005: 1-12.