Articles in international peer-review journals
2022. Freitas P, Vieira G, Mora C, Canário J, Warwick F V. Vegetation shadow casts impact remotely sensed reflectance from permafrost thaw ponds in the subarctic forest-tundra zone. Environ Earth Sci 81, 522.
2021. Vieira G, Mora C, Pina P, Ramalho R, Fernandes R. UAV-based very high resolution point cloud, digital surface model and orthomosaic of the Chã das Caldeiras lava fields (Fogo, Cabo Verde). Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 3179–3201,
2021.Vieira G, Palacios D, Andrés N, Mora C, Vázquez Selem L, Woronko B, Soncco C, Úbeda J, Goyanes G. Penultimate Glacial Cycle glacier extent in the Iberian Peninsula: New evidence from the Serra da Estrela (Central System, Portugal). Geomorphology 388, 10778.
2020. De Pablo MÁ, JJ Jiménez, Ramos M, Prieto M, Molina A, Vieira G, Hidalgo MA, Fernández S, Recondo C, Calleja JF, Peón JJ, Corbea-Pérez A, Maior CN, Morales M, Mora C. Frozen ground and snow cover monitoring in Livingston and Deception Islands, Antarctica: Preliminary results of the 2015-2019 PERMASNOW project. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 46, Doi:
2020. Miranda V, Pina P, Heleno S, Vieira G, Mora C, Schaefer C. Monitoring recent changes of vegetation in Fildes Peninsula (King George Island, Antarctica) through satellite imagery guided by UAV surveys. Science of The Total Environment 704:135295
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135295
2018. Oliva M, Bodin X, Andrés N, Colucci RR, Garcia-Hernandez C, Mora C, Nofre J, Palacios D, Žebre M, Guglielmin M, Hughes P, Ciner A, Vieira G, Perez Alberti A, Ribolini A, Ruiz-Fernández J, Akif Sarıkaya M, Serrano E, Urdea P, Valcarcel M, Woodward J, Yıldırım C. Permafrost conditions in the Mediterranean region since the Last Glaciation. Earth-Science Reviews. Volume 185, 397-436.
2018. Maura Lousada, Pedro Pina, Gonçalo Vieira, Lourenço Bandeira, Carla Mora. 2018. Evaluation of the use of very high resolution aerial imagery for accurate ice-wedge polygon mapping (Adventdalen, Svalbard). Science of The Total Environment. Volume 615, 15 February 2018, Pages 1574-1583.
2017. Vieira G, Mora C, Faleh A. New observations indicate the possible presence of permafrost in North Africa (Djebel Toubkal, High Atlas, Morocco). The Cryosphere, 11, 1691-1705.
2017. Mora C., Jímenez J.J., Pina P., Catalão J., Vieira G.. Evaluation of single-band snow patch mapping using high resolution microwave remote sensing: an application to the Maritime Antarctic. The Cryosphere, 11, 139–155.doi:10.5194/tc-11-139-2017
2016. Vieira, G., Mora, C., and Faleh, A.: Ground surface temperatures indicate the presence of permafrost in North Africa (Djebel Toubkal, High Atlas, Morocco), The Cryosphere Discuss. doi:10.5194/tc-2016-234.
2016. Mora C, Jímenez JJ, Pina P, Catalão J, Vieira G. Evaluation of single-band snow patch mapping using high resolution microwave remote sensing: an application to the Maritime Antarctic. The Cryosphere Discuss. doi:10.5194/tc-2016-190.
2016. Pina P, Vieira G, Bandeira L, Mora C. Accurate determination of surface reference data in digital photographs in ice-free surfaces of Maritime Antarctica. Science of The Total Environment, 573:290-302 ·DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.08.104.
2015. Mora C, Vieira G, Pina P, Lousada M, Christiansen HH. Land cover classification using high-resolution aerial photography in Adventdalen, Svalbard. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography. doi:10.1111/geoa.12088
2014. Vieira G, Mora C, Pina P, Schaefer C. 2014. A proxy for snow cover and winter ground surface cooling: mapping Usnea sp communities using high resolution remote sensing imagery (Maritime Antarctica). Geomorphology, 225(15): 69-75. DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.03.049.
2014. Mora C. Sea-breeze and local weather in a coastal Mediterranean mountain (Serra da Arrábida, Portugal). Weather. Vol 69, nº 7.10.1002/wea.2258
2013. Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos M. Evaluation of Envisat ASAR IMP imagery for snow mapping at varying spatial resolution (Deception Island, South Shetlands - Antarctica. in Antarctic Glacial and Periglacial Processes, Mike Hambrey (ed.). Geological Society. London.
2010. Mora C. A synthetic map of the climatopes of the Serra da Estrela (Portugal), Journal of Maps, v2010, 591-608. 10.4113/jom.2010.1112.
2010. Espinha Marques J, Samper J, Pisani B, Alvares D, Carvalho JM, Chaminé HI, Marques JM, Vieira GT, Mora C, Sodre Borges F. Evaluation of water resources in a high-mountain basin in Serra da Estrela, Central Portugal, using a semi-distributed hydrological model. Environmental Earth Sciences. DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0610-7.
2004. Vieira G, Mora C, Gouveia MM. Oblique rainfall and contemporary geomorphological dynamics (Serra da Estrela, Portugal), Hydrological Processes, 18: 807-824.
2003. Vieira G, Mora C, Ramos M. Ground temperature regimes and geomorphological implications in a Mediterranean mountain (Serra da Estrela, Portugal), Geomorphology, 52: 57-72.
Articles in national peer-review journals
2016. De Pablo MÁ, Ramos M, Molina A, Vieira G, Hidalgo MA, Prieto M, Jiménez J, Fernández S, Recondo C, Calleja JF, Peón JJ, Mora C. Frozen ground and snow cover monitoring in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica: Instrumentation, effects on ground thermal behaviour and future research. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 42 (2), Doi: 10.18172/cig.2917.
2015. Mora C. 4th European Conference on Permafrost (EUCOP4). 18 a 21 de Junho de 2014 em Évora. Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 99: 172-176.
Canário P, Fragoso M, Mora C, Nogueira H. 2014. Environmental conditions versus child asthma incidence: exploratory analysis in thunderstorm days in Lisbon. Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 98, XLIX, Lisboa. in press
2013. Goyanes G, Vieira G, Caselli A, Mora C, Ramos M, de Pablo MA, Neves M, Santos F, Bernardo I, Gilichinsky D, Abramov A, Batista V, Melo R, Nieuwendam A, Ferreira A, Oliva M Regimen térmico y variabilidad de la capa activa en la Isla Decepcion, Antártida. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina. in press.
2009. Mora C. Padrões térmicos no alto vale do Zêzere. Condicionantes topográficas e
meteorológicas. Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 87, XLIV, Lisboa. p. 55-69.
2006. Espinha Marques J, Marques JM, Chaminé HI, Carreira PM, Fonseca PE, Samper J, Vieira GT, Mora C, Teixeira J, Martins Carvalho J, Sodré Borges F, Rocha, F T. Hydrogeochemical Model of a Low temperature geothermal system in a mountainous terrain, Serra da Estrela, Central Portugal. Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, 30, 913-918.
2005. Espinha Marques J, Marques JM, Chaminé HI, Afonso M J, Carreira PM, Fonseca PE, Cabral J, Monteiro Santos FA, Vieira GT, Mora C, Gomes A, Teixeira J, Samper J, Pisani BJ, Aguiar C, Gonçalves JA, Almeida PG, Cavaleiro V, Carvalho JM, Sodré Borges F, Aires-Barros l, Rocha FT. Hydrogeological study of a high mountain area (serra da estrela, central Portugal): a multidisciplinary approach. Cuadernos Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 30: 145-166.
2004. Mora C, Vieira G. Balance radiactivo de los altiplanos de la Sierra de la Estrella (Portugal) en una mañana de Invierno. Metodología y primeros resultados, Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Sección Geologica, Madrid, 99 (1-4): 37-45.
2001. Ferreira AB, Alcoforado MJ, Vieira GT, Mora C, Jansen J. Metodologias de análise e de classificação das paisagens. O exemplo do projecto Estrela. Finisterra- Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 72: 157-178.
2001. Mora C, Vieira G, Alcoforado MJ. Daily minimum air temperatures in Serra da Estrela, Portugal, Finisterra- Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 71: 49-60.
4.2001. Mora C. Aspectos do clima local da Arrábida, Finisterra- Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 71 (36), Lisboa. P.135-139.
2000. Vieira GT, Mora C, Ramos M. Registadores automáticos de baixo-custo para a monitorização de temperaturas do ar, da rocha e do solo, Finisterra- Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 69: 139-148.
1994. Mora C, Neves M, Vieira G. A 3ª Reunião do Quaternário Ibérico, Finisterra- Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 57: 165-169.
1992. Andrade E, Mora C, Neves M, Vieira G. Desportos de Inverno na Serra da Estrela. Contribuição para o estudo da sua viabilidade, Finisterra- Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 53-54, C.E.G., Lisboa: 187-193.
Articles in books
Submitted. Mora C, Vieira G. Climate past and present. In The Geomorphological Landscapes of Portugal. G.Vieira e J.L. Zêzere (Eds). Springer IAG Collection Geomorphological Landscapes of the World
2014.Mora C, Vieira G, Jansen J, Alcoforado MJ. Interações entre geomorfologia, clima e vegetação. Unidades de paisagem do Covão Cimeiro (Serra da Estrela). Livro de Homenagem ao Prof. Orlando Ribeiro. 30 p. Lisboa.
2014.Alcoforado M J, Neto C, Lopes A, Fragoso M, Mora C, Lopes S. O clima e a vegetação da Arrábida e da Madeira, duas "ilhas" caras a Orlando Ribeiro. Livro de Homenagem ao Prof. Orlando Ribeiro. 23 p. Lisboa.
2010. Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos, M. Detecção da cobertura de neve na ilha Livingston (Antárctida marítima) com imagens de satélite ASAR. Resultados preliminares. In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability, Blanco JJ, Ramos M, De Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá. 173-178.
2002. Vieira G T, Mora C, Ramos M. Observações acerca das temperaturas do ar e do solo na Serra da Estrela (Portugal), Periglaciarismo en montaña y altas latitudes, E. Serrano e A. García (eds.), Dep. Geografia, Univ. Valladolid. 67-89.
1998. Vieira G T, Mora C. General characteristics of the climate of the Serra da Estrela, in Vieira, G.T. (ed), Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology of the Serra da Estrela. Guidebook for the field-trip, IGU Commission on Climate Change and Periglacial Environments, 26-28 August 1998, CEG and Department of Geography, University of Lisbon. 26-36.
Other scientific publications
2010. Mora C. 2010. Published Map. In Mora C. 2010. A synthetic map of the climatopes of the Serra da Estrela (Portugal), Journal of Maps, v2010, 591-608.104113/jom.2010.1112
Publications in the Internet and CD-ROM
2007. Mora C. Climas da Serra da Estrela. Características regionais e particularidades locais dos planaltos e do alto vale do Zêzere. Relatório da Área de Investigação de Geo-ecologia.
2003. Vieira, G., Mora, C., Ramos, M. – A device for monitoring shallow ground temperatures. A handbook on periglacial field methods. Humlum, O. & Matsuoka, N. (Co-chairs), International Permafrost Association, Working Group on Periglacial Processes and Environments.(
2022. Freitas P, Vieira G, Mora C, Canário J, Warwick F V. Vegetation shadow casts impact remotely sensed reflectance from permafrost thaw ponds in the subarctic forest-tundra zone. Environ Earth Sci 81, 522.
2021. Vieira G, Mora C, Pina P, Ramalho R, Fernandes R. UAV-based very high resolution point cloud, digital surface model and orthomosaic of the Chã das Caldeiras lava fields (Fogo, Cabo Verde). Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 3179–3201,
2021.Vieira G, Palacios D, Andrés N, Mora C, Vázquez Selem L, Woronko B, Soncco C, Úbeda J, Goyanes G. Penultimate Glacial Cycle glacier extent in the Iberian Peninsula: New evidence from the Serra da Estrela (Central System, Portugal). Geomorphology 388, 10778.
2020. De Pablo MÁ, JJ Jiménez, Ramos M, Prieto M, Molina A, Vieira G, Hidalgo MA, Fernández S, Recondo C, Calleja JF, Peón JJ, Corbea-Pérez A, Maior CN, Morales M, Mora C. Frozen ground and snow cover monitoring in Livingston and Deception Islands, Antarctica: Preliminary results of the 2015-2019 PERMASNOW project. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 46, Doi:
2020. Miranda V, Pina P, Heleno S, Vieira G, Mora C, Schaefer C. Monitoring recent changes of vegetation in Fildes Peninsula (King George Island, Antarctica) through satellite imagery guided by UAV surveys. Science of The Total Environment 704:135295
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135295
2018. Oliva M, Bodin X, Andrés N, Colucci RR, Garcia-Hernandez C, Mora C, Nofre J, Palacios D, Žebre M, Guglielmin M, Hughes P, Ciner A, Vieira G, Perez Alberti A, Ribolini A, Ruiz-Fernández J, Akif Sarıkaya M, Serrano E, Urdea P, Valcarcel M, Woodward J, Yıldırım C. Permafrost conditions in the Mediterranean region since the Last Glaciation. Earth-Science Reviews. Volume 185, 397-436.
2018. Maura Lousada, Pedro Pina, Gonçalo Vieira, Lourenço Bandeira, Carla Mora. 2018. Evaluation of the use of very high resolution aerial imagery for accurate ice-wedge polygon mapping (Adventdalen, Svalbard). Science of The Total Environment. Volume 615, 15 February 2018, Pages 1574-1583.
2017. Vieira G, Mora C, Faleh A. New observations indicate the possible presence of permafrost in North Africa (Djebel Toubkal, High Atlas, Morocco). The Cryosphere, 11, 1691-1705.
2017. Mora C., Jímenez J.J., Pina P., Catalão J., Vieira G.. Evaluation of single-band snow patch mapping using high resolution microwave remote sensing: an application to the Maritime Antarctic. The Cryosphere, 11, 139–155.doi:10.5194/tc-11-139-2017
2016. Vieira, G., Mora, C., and Faleh, A.: Ground surface temperatures indicate the presence of permafrost in North Africa (Djebel Toubkal, High Atlas, Morocco), The Cryosphere Discuss. doi:10.5194/tc-2016-234.
2016. Mora C, Jímenez JJ, Pina P, Catalão J, Vieira G. Evaluation of single-band snow patch mapping using high resolution microwave remote sensing: an application to the Maritime Antarctic. The Cryosphere Discuss. doi:10.5194/tc-2016-190.
2016. Pina P, Vieira G, Bandeira L, Mora C. Accurate determination of surface reference data in digital photographs in ice-free surfaces of Maritime Antarctica. Science of The Total Environment, 573:290-302 ·DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.08.104.
2015. Mora C, Vieira G, Pina P, Lousada M, Christiansen HH. Land cover classification using high-resolution aerial photography in Adventdalen, Svalbard. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography. doi:10.1111/geoa.12088
2014. Vieira G, Mora C, Pina P, Schaefer C. 2014. A proxy for snow cover and winter ground surface cooling: mapping Usnea sp communities using high resolution remote sensing imagery (Maritime Antarctica). Geomorphology, 225(15): 69-75. DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.03.049.
2014. Mora C. Sea-breeze and local weather in a coastal Mediterranean mountain (Serra da Arrábida, Portugal). Weather. Vol 69, nº 7.10.1002/wea.2258
2013. Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos M. Evaluation of Envisat ASAR IMP imagery for snow mapping at varying spatial resolution (Deception Island, South Shetlands - Antarctica. in Antarctic Glacial and Periglacial Processes, Mike Hambrey (ed.). Geological Society. London.
2010. Mora C. A synthetic map of the climatopes of the Serra da Estrela (Portugal), Journal of Maps, v2010, 591-608. 10.4113/jom.2010.1112.
2010. Espinha Marques J, Samper J, Pisani B, Alvares D, Carvalho JM, Chaminé HI, Marques JM, Vieira GT, Mora C, Sodre Borges F. Evaluation of water resources in a high-mountain basin in Serra da Estrela, Central Portugal, using a semi-distributed hydrological model. Environmental Earth Sciences. DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0610-7.
2004. Vieira G, Mora C, Gouveia MM. Oblique rainfall and contemporary geomorphological dynamics (Serra da Estrela, Portugal), Hydrological Processes, 18: 807-824.
2003. Vieira G, Mora C, Ramos M. Ground temperature regimes and geomorphological implications in a Mediterranean mountain (Serra da Estrela, Portugal), Geomorphology, 52: 57-72.
Articles in national peer-review journals
2016. De Pablo MÁ, Ramos M, Molina A, Vieira G, Hidalgo MA, Prieto M, Jiménez J, Fernández S, Recondo C, Calleja JF, Peón JJ, Mora C. Frozen ground and snow cover monitoring in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica: Instrumentation, effects on ground thermal behaviour and future research. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 42 (2), Doi: 10.18172/cig.2917.
2015. Mora C. 4th European Conference on Permafrost (EUCOP4). 18 a 21 de Junho de 2014 em Évora. Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 99: 172-176.
Canário P, Fragoso M, Mora C, Nogueira H. 2014. Environmental conditions versus child asthma incidence: exploratory analysis in thunderstorm days in Lisbon. Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 98, XLIX, Lisboa. in press
2013. Goyanes G, Vieira G, Caselli A, Mora C, Ramos M, de Pablo MA, Neves M, Santos F, Bernardo I, Gilichinsky D, Abramov A, Batista V, Melo R, Nieuwendam A, Ferreira A, Oliva M Regimen térmico y variabilidad de la capa activa en la Isla Decepcion, Antártida. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina. in press.
2009. Mora C. Padrões térmicos no alto vale do Zêzere. Condicionantes topográficas e
meteorológicas. Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 87, XLIV, Lisboa. p. 55-69.
2006. Espinha Marques J, Marques JM, Chaminé HI, Carreira PM, Fonseca PE, Samper J, Vieira GT, Mora C, Teixeira J, Martins Carvalho J, Sodré Borges F, Rocha, F T. Hydrogeochemical Model of a Low temperature geothermal system in a mountainous terrain, Serra da Estrela, Central Portugal. Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, 30, 913-918.
2005. Espinha Marques J, Marques JM, Chaminé HI, Afonso M J, Carreira PM, Fonseca PE, Cabral J, Monteiro Santos FA, Vieira GT, Mora C, Gomes A, Teixeira J, Samper J, Pisani BJ, Aguiar C, Gonçalves JA, Almeida PG, Cavaleiro V, Carvalho JM, Sodré Borges F, Aires-Barros l, Rocha FT. Hydrogeological study of a high mountain area (serra da estrela, central Portugal): a multidisciplinary approach. Cuadernos Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 30: 145-166.
2004. Mora C, Vieira G. Balance radiactivo de los altiplanos de la Sierra de la Estrella (Portugal) en una mañana de Invierno. Metodología y primeros resultados, Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Sección Geologica, Madrid, 99 (1-4): 37-45.
2001. Ferreira AB, Alcoforado MJ, Vieira GT, Mora C, Jansen J. Metodologias de análise e de classificação das paisagens. O exemplo do projecto Estrela. Finisterra- Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 72: 157-178.
2001. Mora C, Vieira G, Alcoforado MJ. Daily minimum air temperatures in Serra da Estrela, Portugal, Finisterra- Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 71: 49-60.
4.2001. Mora C. Aspectos do clima local da Arrábida, Finisterra- Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 71 (36), Lisboa. P.135-139.
2000. Vieira GT, Mora C, Ramos M. Registadores automáticos de baixo-custo para a monitorização de temperaturas do ar, da rocha e do solo, Finisterra- Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 69: 139-148.
1994. Mora C, Neves M, Vieira G. A 3ª Reunião do Quaternário Ibérico, Finisterra- Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 57: 165-169.
1992. Andrade E, Mora C, Neves M, Vieira G. Desportos de Inverno na Serra da Estrela. Contribuição para o estudo da sua viabilidade, Finisterra- Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 53-54, C.E.G., Lisboa: 187-193.
Articles in books
Submitted. Mora C, Vieira G. Climate past and present. In The Geomorphological Landscapes of Portugal. G.Vieira e J.L. Zêzere (Eds). Springer IAG Collection Geomorphological Landscapes of the World
2014.Mora C, Vieira G, Jansen J, Alcoforado MJ. Interações entre geomorfologia, clima e vegetação. Unidades de paisagem do Covão Cimeiro (Serra da Estrela). Livro de Homenagem ao Prof. Orlando Ribeiro. 30 p. Lisboa.
2014.Alcoforado M J, Neto C, Lopes A, Fragoso M, Mora C, Lopes S. O clima e a vegetação da Arrábida e da Madeira, duas "ilhas" caras a Orlando Ribeiro. Livro de Homenagem ao Prof. Orlando Ribeiro. 23 p. Lisboa.
2010. Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos, M. Detecção da cobertura de neve na ilha Livingston (Antárctida marítima) com imagens de satélite ASAR. Resultados preliminares. In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability, Blanco JJ, Ramos M, De Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá. 173-178.
2002. Vieira G T, Mora C, Ramos M. Observações acerca das temperaturas do ar e do solo na Serra da Estrela (Portugal), Periglaciarismo en montaña y altas latitudes, E. Serrano e A. García (eds.), Dep. Geografia, Univ. Valladolid. 67-89.
1998. Vieira G T, Mora C. General characteristics of the climate of the Serra da Estrela, in Vieira, G.T. (ed), Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology of the Serra da Estrela. Guidebook for the field-trip, IGU Commission on Climate Change and Periglacial Environments, 26-28 August 1998, CEG and Department of Geography, University of Lisbon. 26-36.
Other scientific publications
2010. Mora C. 2010. Published Map. In Mora C. 2010. A synthetic map of the climatopes of the Serra da Estrela (Portugal), Journal of Maps, v2010, 591-608.104113/jom.2010.1112
Publications in the Internet and CD-ROM
2007. Mora C. Climas da Serra da Estrela. Características regionais e particularidades locais dos planaltos e do alto vale do Zêzere. Relatório da Área de Investigação de Geo-ecologia.
2003. Vieira, G., Mora, C., Ramos, M. – A device for monitoring shallow ground temperatures. A handbook on periglacial field methods. Humlum, O. & Matsuoka, N. (Co-chairs), International Permafrost Association, Working Group on Periglacial Processes and Environments.(